Write a function named is_palindrome that accepts a string p…


Write а functiоn nаmed is_pаlindrоme that accepts a string parameter and returns true if that string is a palindrоme, or false if it is not a palindrome. For this problem, a palindrome is defined as a string that contains exactly the same sequence of characters forwards as backwards, case-insensitively. Spaces, punctuation, and any other characters should be treated the same as letters; so a multi-word string or string with numbers or punctuation would count as a palindrome too. Below are some sample calls Function Call Value Returned is_palindrome("madam") true is_palindrome("RacCAr") true is_palindrome("dog god") true is_palindrome("123 $$ 321") true is_palindrome("madham") false is_palindrome("antena") false is_palindrome("Taco cat") false is_palindrome(TACOcat) true

Write а functiоn nаmed is_pаlindrоme that accepts a string parameter and returns true if that string is a palindrоme, or false if it is not a palindrome. For this problem, a palindrome is defined as a string that contains exactly the same sequence of characters forwards as backwards, case-insensitively. Spaces, punctuation, and any other characters should be treated the same as letters; so a multi-word string or string with numbers or punctuation would count as a palindrome too. Below are some sample calls Function Call Value Returned is_palindrome("madam") true is_palindrome("RacCAr") true is_palindrome("dog god") true is_palindrome("123 $$ 321") true is_palindrome("madham") false is_palindrome("antena") false is_palindrome("Taco cat") false is_palindrome(TACOcat) true

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