class X:    def method(self):        print(“X”)class Y(X): …

class X:    def method(self):        print(“X”)class Y(X):    def method(self):        print(“Y”)class Z(X):    def method(self):        print(“Z”)class A(Y, Z):    def method(self):        print(“A”)class B(A, Y):    def method(self):        print(“B”)class C(B):    passprint(C.__mro__)

Given below is a recursive function -def count_ways(n):   if…

Given below is a recursive function -def count_ways(n):   if n == 0:       return 1   elif n < 0:       return 0   else:       return count_ways(n - 1) + count_ways(n - 2) + count_ways(n - 3) count_ways(7)Which of the following values will be returned?

In the text box below, duplicate the given class and main()…

In the text box below, duplicate the given class and main() method headers, then replace [Statement1], [Statement2], [Statement3] and [Statement4]  in the MilesToKilometers class with four Java program statements that implement this algorithm: Step 1:  Declare a double variable named miles with an initial value of 1250. Step 2: Declare a double constant named KILOMETERS_PER_MILE with initial value 1.609. Step 3: Declare a double variable named kilometers, multiply miles and KILOMETERS_PER_MILE, and assign the result to kilometers. Step 4: Display the value of kilometers to the console.   public class MilesToKilometers {     public static void main(String[] args) {          [Statement1]          [Statement2]          [Statement3]          [Statement4]     }} Note: To receive full points on this exercise, I must be able to copy your Java statements from the text box, paste them into a NetBeans Java source code file with the file name, then compile and run your source code with no errors.

In the text box below, write a switch structure which displa…

In the text box below, write a switch structure which displays Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, if day is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, respectively.  To earn full credit on this exercise, I should be able to copy your switch structure from the text box, paste it into a main() method in NetBeans, and it must work as specified.  [Hint: only one day name should be displayed for each value of day.  For example, if day is 0, the switch should only display “Sunday”.  If day is 2, the switch should only display “Tuesday”]. Here is an example of what the beginning of the switch should look like.  Assume that the day variable has been declared and initialized to an int value between 0 and 6: switch(day) { }