Mr. B is а 68 y/о mаn with а 5-year h/о Parkinsоn Disease. He falls at least 1 x day and has difficulty swallowing. His doctor added Sinemet to his medication regimen last week. He takes 1 pill orally 6 X day every 4 hours starting at 8:00 am. On examination, you find moderate rigidity in all 4 extremities and throughout his trunk. Strength and sensation are WNL throughout. Mr. B experiences freezing when attempting to turn in small spaces and when ambulating through doorway thresholds. There is no arm swing on the right or trunk rotation during gait. A festinating gait pattern is apparent as soon as Mr. B begins ambulating. He does not use any assistive device. You did not have time to perform any other tests and measures during your initial examination and decided that your balance assessment would continue upon his return to your clinic at his first follow up visit. Item 1 of 2: Which of the following will MOST likely facilitate improvement of Mr. B’s gait pattern, specifically the lack of trunk rotation and arm swing?