What correlation coefficient would you expect to see for the…


Whаt cоrrelаtiоn cоefficient would you expect to see for the dаta in the graph below?  

Cаse study 2 The fоllоwing fоur questions will refer to this cаse informаtion.  --- A 65-year-old man was admitted to the hospital after his son noticed a sudden onset of "slurred" speech while they were having lunch. Neurologic examination in the ER noted right-sided weakness in the hand, a hyperactive biceps reflex in the right arm, and a droop in the right side of the lower face. The neurologist noted speech difficulty, including mildly decreased intelligibility, and requested SLP consult.  You speak with the patient when he first arrives at your office. He says it feels like his tongue is thick and he can't speak like he needs to for his job as an auctioneer. He also tells you that about a year ago, he suddenly developed some difficulty speaking clearly and with swallowing, as well as clumsiness in his right fingers, but all of those issues went away in about a week. He says it feels like his speech is worse this time. During this conversation, you note a slightly hoarse voice throughout as well as intermittent articulatory imprecision. You also note that sometimes it sounds like he says his son's name, "Ned", more like "Nen".  During oral mechanism examination, you note the following:  Reduced range of movement one the right side of his mouth during smile and pucker Reduced range of movement in tongue lateralization to the right During DDK tasks, you note the following:  Typical rate with occasional mild slowdowns Occasional imprecise articulation for ta and ka