Walking is an example of a fine motor skill


Wаlking is аn exаmple оf a fine mоtоr skill

A 40-yeаr-оld mаle with nо significаnt PMH presents tо the Emergency Department with dark urine. He says it started last night and has persisted to this morning.  He denies dysuria, urgency, frequency, fever, chills, and is without other complaints. The patient states he is generally healthy and has not seen a doctor in the past 2 years. He recalls having a persistent sore throat approximately two weeks ago and denies other recent acute illness.  Vital signs reveal T: 98.5°F, BP 139/80 mmHg, HR 96/min, RR 15/min, and pulse ox is 98% on room air. A urine dipstick is ordered and results are: Urine:Color: Cola-coloredWBCs: PositiveProtein: PositiveGlucose: NegativeKetones: NegativeBlood: PositiveMicroscopic examination of urine sediment: (+) RBC casts Which of the following conditions is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?