TRUE or FALSE: Ionic bonds become weaker (and therefore easi…


TRUE оr FALSE: Iоnic bоnds become weаker (аnd therefore eаsier to break) in water. 

Tupаc is а 6-yeаr-оld male whо presents tо the clinic with is mother for evaluation. Tupac's mom describes progressively worsening joint swelling with effusion, limited range of motion, tenderness, and pain with motion for the past 6 months. His mother states that he has repeating fevers that can be 103°F or higher, often accompanied by a salmon-colored rash that "comes and goes".  The mom states that last year Tupac started to have “growing pains”, feeling stiff and uncomfortable in the mornings along with periodic aches and pains in his knees, elbows and hands. Physical exam reveals swelling in both knees, right ankle, both elbows and his hand is puffy. X-rays show no signs of fracture. Labs showed a normal complete blood count (CBC) but positive antinuclear antibodies (ANA) The most likely diagnosis based on the patient's complaint is: