Tiered Rewards (Part 1): You are looking to apply for a new…


Tiered Rewаrds (Pаrt 1): Yоu аre lооking to apply for a new credit card.  In researching some options out there, you find a card that is advertising a “tiered reward” system.  Curious, you look up the details. What you find is that the rewards are structured this way: If total spent is over— but less than— Card Rewards: $50 $500 1.5% of total spending over $50 $500 $1,000 $6.75 plus 2.75% of total spending over $500 $1,000 $10,000 $20.50 plus 4.25% of the amount over $1,000 $10,000 no limit $403 plus 5.5% of the amount over $10,000   A - [7 points] How much would you receive in rewards if you spent $850 on the card in a given month? B - [3 points] What would be the effective reward rate for the spending in part (A)? C - [4 points] In a sentence or two, explain what this effective reward means in this context.