There are four major classes of lipoproteins: chylomicrons,…


There аre fоur mаjоr clаsses оf lipoproteins: chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, and HDL. This classification is based on the relative content of the five major constituents of lipoproteins: cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, phospholipids, proteins, and triacylglycerols.  Blank #1: Which of the five constituents listed above would be found in the inner core of lipoproteins? List all that apply, separated by commas. Blank #2: Which of the five constituents listed above would be found at the surface of lipoproteins? List all that apply, separated by commas. Blank #3: Which lipoprotein carries cholesteryl esters to the liver for excretion, LDL or HDL? Blank #4: The surface of lipoproteins is a monolayer and not a bilayer because ___________.