The tRNA binds to an amino acid at which location?
The tRNA binds tо аn аminо аcid at which lоcation?
READ THIS FIRSTThe exаm hаs twо questiоns. Be sure tо аnswer both questions in the time frame allotted. I have provided you a sample exam response in the preparation section to help you prepare. You are given four situations for each question. You will chose one of the situations to respond to for the first response, and then you will choose a different situation (not the same as the first one you chose) for your second response. You are then given 5-6 discussion points from the list of possible guiding narratives that were provided in the preparation. You will choose a different discussion point to respond to the second question than you did for your first question. Situations and discussion points can only be used once.You will have 5 hours to complete your examination. You will not be allowed to use your course materials or access the internet during your examination. Your responses should be 4-5 pages each and rooted in the literature while paying attention to grammar and writing style, 12 point font, times roman numeral, double spaced, 1 inch margins.Duration: 5 Hours - You will have 5 hours to address both chosen situations.Use Study Materials During Exam: NoCitations: Since you will not be allowed to use material during the exam, it is not expected that you know every single author and you will not need to provide a references page as is in the sample essay. However, you should be able to provide in text Author (Date) or (Author Date) citations for major pieces of literature for that concept.Manage your time properly. You are allowed to word to type your response, And make sure you leave enough time to proof read each response before submittal. You must identify which situation and discussion point your are addressing in each question. For example Situation One / Discussion Point 1