the mind is a blank slate on which experience writes.
the mind is а blаnk slаte оn which experience writes.
Use the fоllоwing infоrmаtion to аnswer the next questions: A 48-yeаr-old female is referred with a chief complaint of right-sided headaches and neck pain. Her headaches “have been a part of my life for the past 10 years.” The symptoms are located on the right temporal side of her head with frequent bouts of pain located around the eye. Occasionally she will get pain at the base of her skull. There was no apparent mechanism of injury when the symptoms first started. Her occupation is computer data entry. She notices her symptoms worsen with longer days at work. A 6/10 pain is noted for the headache and suboccipital pain. Postural observation reveals a slightly forward head position. ROM reveals flexion to 45°, extension is 60°, and rotation is to the right 40° and left 65°. Joint mobility assessment reveals stiffness on the right Occiput-C1 joint. She is able to maintain the cranio-cervical flexion test position for 10 sec at 24 mm Hg (1 repetition). Motion assessment of this joint also recreates the pain around the eye on the right side of the patient’s head. Palpation of the left suboccipital musculature is negative, palpation of the right suboccipital musculature reproduce the right-sided temporal and neck pain. The patient’s goal is to have decreased intensity of her headaches.