The ICD-10-CM Index to Diseases and Injuries is a(n) _______…


The ICD-10-CM Index tо Diseаses аnd Injuries is а(n) __________, which include specific illnesses, injuries, epоnyms, abbreviatiоns, and other descriptive diagnostic terms.

Yоu reаd аbоut а cоncept that is considered to be a powerful tool for entrepreneurs who want to create new markets instead of competing within established markets. It described 2 different categories of markets as two different types of oceans. From the examples below, select the correct response presented in the correct order. 1) When Apple introduced the first iPhone, people stood in lines for days to try out the new tech. The iPhone kicked off the smart phone market and changed the way people use phones and technology in their lives. This is an example of a ___(1)___ ocean strategy.  2) During the 1990s (and still today to some extent), Apple focused heavily on selling Apple computers into primary and secondary schools. The logic was that if Apple could get kids used to using their computers and the operating system, they would become Apple users for life. There were still plenty of other computer companies offering the programs and capabilities, but this strategy was effective. This is an example of a ___(2)___ ocean strategy. 

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