The chief is a stubborn man and despite your best efforts, h…


The chief is а stubbоrn mаn аnd despite yоur best effоrts, he still forbids Hiccup from doing anything. One night, dragons start to raid and attack the village. Whilst everyone is gearing up for battle, Hiccup is stuck watching and yearning to be a part of the action. Let's see what happens: Click on the button below to open the clip of the fighting dragons. The video will open in a new internet tab. DO NOT close your examination tab. Carefully click between the different tabs to access the different information needed: VIDEO SCRIPT: 00:00 Oh come on let me out please I need to 00:05 make my mark. Oh you've made plenty of 00:07 marks, all in the wrong places. Please 00:10 two minutes I'll kill a dragon. My life 00:12 will get infinitely better.  I might even 00:14 get a date. You can’t lift a hammer, 00:17 can't swing an axe 00:18 you can't even threw one of these. 00:22 Okay fine, but this will throw it for me. 00:22 Oh no, see 00:27 that's right here is what I am talking about. 00:29 It’s a mild calibration issue pickup. 00:32 If you ever want to get out there to 00:34 fight dragons you need to stop all this. 00:38 What you just pointed to all of me. 00:40 Yes that's it stop being all of you. Oh. 00:46 Oh you sir are playing a dangerous game 00:48 keeping this much raw Viking this 00:52 contained, there will be consequences. 00:55 I'll take my chances. Help Hiccup sneak out and join in on the battle, by answering these questions: 

The chief is а stubbоrn mаn аnd despite yоur best effоrts, he still forbids Hiccup from doing anything. One night, dragons start to raid and attack the village. Whilst everyone is gearing up for battle, Hiccup is stuck watching and yearning to be a part of the action. Let's see what happens: Click on the button below to open the clip of the fighting dragons. The video will open in a new internet tab. DO NOT close your examination tab. Carefully click between the different tabs to access the different information needed: VIDEO SCRIPT: 00:00 Oh come on let me out please I need to 00:05 make my mark. Oh you've made plenty of 00:07 marks, all in the wrong places. Please 00:10 two minutes I'll kill a dragon. My life 00:12 will get infinitely better.  I might even 00:14 get a date. You can’t lift a hammer, 00:17 can't swing an axe 00:18 you can't even threw one of these. 00:22 Okay fine, but this will throw it for me. 00:22 Oh no, see 00:27 that's right here is what I am talking about. 00:29 It’s a mild calibration issue pickup. 00:32 If you ever want to get out there to 00:34 fight dragons you need to stop all this. 00:38 What you just pointed to all of me. 00:40 Yes that's it stop being all of you. Oh. 00:46 Oh you sir are playing a dangerous game 00:48 keeping this much raw Viking this 00:52 contained, there will be consequences. 00:55 I'll take my chances. Help Hiccup sneak out and join in on the battle, by answering these questions: 

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