ScLi13- Identify elements in results that provide informatio…
ScLi13- Identify elements in results thаt prоvide infоrmаtiоn on how study vаriables behaved The following is an excerpt of the study Herbivore effects increase with latitude across the extent of a foundational seagrass, whose first author is Dr. Justin Campbell (a professor in our bio department). "In this Article, we used a network of 650 experimental plots distributed across 13 seagrass meadows in the western North Atlantic to explore the effects of increased herbivory on a marine ecosystem under the emerging threat of tropicalization. We were particularly interested in high-latitude turtlegrass meadows at the northern edge of this species’ range, and our approach was a comparative analysis of herbivore effects (and the drivers of its variation) across tropical–subtropical waters. We specifically asked (1) What are the effects of increased herbivory on the health and ecological functioning of turtlegrass across its geographic extent? (2) Are these effects more prominent at the higher latitudes near northern range boundaries? [...] To answer these questions, we conducted a synchronous, year-long manipulative field experiment at turtlegrass sites distributed from Panama (9° N) to Bermuda (32° N) (Fig. 1a). At each site, we factorially manipulated grazing intensity and nutrient availability. Grazing was manipulated using two techniques (1) the exclusion of large natural grazers (turtles and large herbivorous fishes) using mesh caging and (2) the simulation of increased grazing by clipping the leaf canopy to varying degrees, severe grazing (full-clip) and moderate grazing (half -clip) (Fig. 1 and Extended Data Fig. 1). Nutrient availability was manipulated by fertilizer amendments. " Which of the following statements in the results address question 1 or 2?
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