Question 2: Statistical Significance – 6 points For this que…


Questiоn 2: Stаtisticаl Significаnce - 6 pоints Fоr this question, use the unstandardized trainData. In model1, which regression coefficients are significant at the 95% confidence level? Are these the exact same regression coefficients that are significant at the 90% confidence level? (2 points) Build a new model using only the variables whose coefficients were found to be statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Call it model2. Display the model summary. Using model2, interpret the coefficient of bp in the context of the data description. State any assumptions while interpreting the coefficient. (2 points) Perform a Partial F-test to compare the reduced model (model2) with the full model (model1) and interpret it at the 95% confidence level. Which one would you prefer? Is it good practice to select variables based on the statistical significance of individual coefficients? Why or why not? (2 points)