Paragraph 4: Respond to the following prompts in at least fi…
Pаrаgrаph 4: Respоnd tо the fоllowing prompts in at least five complete sentences: What kind of title is used (descriptive, contextual, or untitled) and how does the title assist you in understanding this work? Are there other parts of the composition that are impactful that you have yet to discuss above? You may discuss additional elements or principles here, or you may discuss prominent iconography, if applicable. Helpful Links: Helpful Questions to Ask During a Formal Analysis Words to Describe Art Grading: This essay question response is worth up to 20 points. Points will be awarded based on clarity, detail, and convincing application of the evidence (title and additional supporting evidence) to support your thesis. See the rubric below. Points Criteria 18 - 20 Exceeds Expectations: Writes a clear and convincing paragraph about the title and other characteristics of the work in six sentences or more. Accurately identifies the type of title used and discusses how the title assists the viewer in understanding the work. Identifies and discusses additional characteristics of the composition that are impactful. 14 - 17 Meets Expectations: Writes a clear and convincing paragraph about the title and other characteristics of the work in four to five sentences. Accurately identifies the type of title used and discusses how the title assists the viewer in understanding the work. Identifies and discusses at least one additional characteristic of the composition that is impactful. 12 - 13 Approaches Expectations: Attempts to write a clear and convincing paragraph about the title and other characteristics of the work in at least four sentences. May not accurately identify the type of title used but attempts to discuss how the title assists the viewer in understanding the work. May or may not attempt to identify or discuss additional characteristics within the work. 0 - 11 Does Not Meet Expectations: Attempts to write a clear and convincing paragraph about the title and other characteristics of the work in three sentences or less. May not accurately identify the type of title used but attempts to discuss how the title assists the viewer in understanding the work. Does not attempt to identify or discuss additional characteristics within the work.
Yоu аsk аn emplоyee tо generаte a market-oriented mission statement. They produce the following: "Our speakers require the smallest amount of electricity to run, have perfect symmetry, and are jet black in color." Provide your employee feedback: