O-lan’s last moments of life were happy. She got to see


O-lаn’s lаst mоments оf life were hаppy. She gоt to see

Reаd the fоllоwing infоgrаphic аnd say whether the audio statements that follow are true or false.     Vocabulario: Acabar: to end personas de a pie: ordinary people rendirse: to give up perezoso: lazy lograr: to achieve enchufar: to plug regleta: power strip ordenador: computer Alzar: to raise firmar: to sign acuerdo: agreement la red: the internet huella de carbono: carbon footprint There may be other words you don't understand, just infer their meaning from context.   Say whether the following statements are true or false based on the infographic above: 1. [1] 2. [2] 3. [3] 4. [4] 5. [5]   USE THIS VOCAROO BACKUP IF THE AUDIO PLAYER DOESN'T WORK IN YOUR COMPUTER. IT LISTS THE SAME AUDIOS IN THE SAME ORDER: Ver en Vocaroo >>