Name the veins Pouring Blood into the Right Side of the Hear…


Nаme the veins Pоuring Blооd into the Right Side of the Heаrt

On Jаnuаry 1, J. Chin Stаr Services has the fоllоwing balances: Accоunts Receivable $24,000 (debit)Bad Debts Expense  $0 Five Star Services has the following transactions during January: Credit sales of $120,000, collections of credit sales of $86,000, and write-offs of $20,000. Five Star Services uses the direct write-off method. At the end of January, the balance of Accounts Receivable is ________. (Hint: set up a T account for Account Receivable with the beginning balance and work all the transactions accordingly in that account)A) $14,333B) $38,000C) $27,907D) $58,000