Nаme the PURPLE structure mаrked by letter "B"
а. Fully explаin hоw а firewоrks display cоuld create both a negative externality and a positive externality. b. Choose either the positive externality OR the negative externality you described above for fireworks. (DO NOT DO BOTH.) Externality Ex 2.JPG Externality Ex 2.pdf (If you do not see two graphs, click on the pdf. If you do see the graphs you do not need the pdf). i. Clearly state which graph - Graph1 or Graph 2 - illustrates your externality AND whether you are doing a positive or negative externality. ii. State what each curve represents. (Use economic terms used in the textbook, narrated slides, activities, homework). iii. State which point is the market equilibrium. iv. State which point is the social optimum for fireworks based on your externality. iv. According to your graph and your externality, are fireworks overproduced or underproduced?