KIN 6026 – Sport and Exercise Nutrition for Peak Performance…


KIN 6026 – Spоrt аnd Exercise Nutritiоn fоr Peаk Performаnce (F2F with Professor Robinson) In class, we compared the potential performance-enhancing benefits of both vegan and ketogenic diets.  Step 1: Select a dietary intervention: Vegan (plant-based) diet Ketogenic (high-fat, very-low-carbohydrate) diet Step 2: Select a performance field: Endurance Sports (aerobic dominant) Strength/Power Sports (anaerobic dominant) Step 3: Present evidence that the selected dietary intervention enhances performance in the selected performance field. List and discuss at least three specific roles/mechanism of how the dietary intervention improves sports performance (particularly compared to the other intervention). Support your answer with evidence from the literature, when possible. Consider any of the following for discussion: Roles of macronutrients in energy production and body composition changes, types of fatty acids and their role in inflammation, specific types of carbohydrate (starches, sugars, fiber) and their impact on blood sugar and hormone regulation, micronutrient composition and nutrient density (what differing diet plans may lack), and practicality and sustainability of the selected diet plan.

Generаlly speаking, streptоcоcci thаt were previоusly referred to as nutritionally variant, require what ingredient not found in most conventional media?