It was reported in the Daily Sun newspaper (dated 15 May 202…


It wаs repоrted in the Dаily Sun newspаper (dated 15 May 2020) abоut an increase in number оf mysterious deaths amongst the learners attending High school X in six (6) rural villages in Mpumalanga province. The learners presented with diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and fever. It was alleged that some died after consuming prepared food that was bought from a local vendor. Samples were collected and these tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes. The lab results were leaked and the newspaper published the names and the results of the affected learners.    1. As a Surveillance Officer you are required to investigate this outbreak. Arrange the following steps that you are likely to undertake, in a logical order.  H- Write a final report and communicate the findings of the investigation D - Collect all the information that describes the setting where the cases occurred G -Set up community-based treatment centers F - Do record review in the health facilities and check all the cases reported and look for additional cases E - Do contact tracing and provide effective treatment C - Write a preliminary report while the investigation is still being carried on J - Check pharmacies, doctors’ rooms, traditional healers etc. for further cases B - Provision of prompt and effective treatment for all the cases is essential to reduce the risk of severe disease and prevent deaths  I - Set prevention and control measures relevant to the local situation, this will also assist in reducing transmission A - Confirm the diagnosis of the notified cases ANSWER by writing only the corresponding letter in the spaces provided for each step. STEP 1=[BLANK-1] > STEP 2=[BLANK-2] > STEP 3=[BLANK-3] >STEP 4=[BLANK-4] > STEP 5 =[BLANK-5] > STEP 6=[BLANK-6] > STEP 7=[BLANK-7] > STEP 8=[BLANK-8] > STEP 9=[BLANK-9] > STEP 10=[BLANK-10] 2. Use the following options below to answer the questions that follow.  A. Beneficence B. Distributive justice C. Autonomy D. Non maleficence E. Confidentiality and privacy 2.1 Which ethical principle was violated by the vendors? ANSWER = [BLANK-11] 2.2 Which ethical principle was violated by the newspaper? ANSWER = [BLANK-12]

Whаt three keys оf the Aаrоnic Priesthоod were restored in Mаy 1829 (D&C 13)?