INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The exam paper is made of 3 parts. Par…
INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The exаm pаper is mаde оf 3 parts. Part A is the questiоn part, part B is the Kami questiоns and part C is the upload answer sheet part. 2. Read the question carefully and think before answering each question. 3. You may not use a calculator to answer any questions in this test. Use folio paper to calculate the answers. Please show all calculations. 4. The entire question paper must be answered on folio paper. 5. You will complete your whole exam on folio paper. You will get the full time of the test to calculate the answers. Once the test closes, you will have 30 minutes to upload all your answer sheets with the upload quiz. 6. If you cannot do one of the questions, go on to the next one. You can come back to it later if you have time.