

Cells аre the fundаmentаl unit оf life.  Cells are able tо respоnd to environmental stimuli, they process energy, grow and reproduce, and all cells come from other living cells.  They are the smallest and simplest unit that can be called living.  One of the following statements about cells is false.  Enter just the number for the statement that is false.  Your answer should be only one number. 1.  Prokaryotic single cell organisms - bacteria - are more common than any other organism on earth. 2.  The eukaryotic cell nucleus contains the genetic information that determines the characteristics of a cell. 3.  The endomembrane system compartmentalizes the cell interiors and keeps chemical reactions taking place in separate areas. 4.  The chloroplast is the cellular structure that is the site of photosynthesis, where solar energy is trapped and stored as chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates. 5.  Mitochondria are the sites of chemical reactions that break down carbohydrates to release energy that is used by the cell. 6.  The cell's plasma membrane is the chemical boundary of the cell, sealing it and preventing any materials from entering or leaving the cell. 7.  In eukaryotic cells the cytoskeleton gives shape and organization to the cytoplasm, and many organelles are attached to these fibers. 8.  Some bacteria form endospores when conditions are harsh.  Essentially the chromosome and some of the cytoplasm dehydrates, then is encased in protective coatings.