How does the presence of Hg2+ affect the transcription of th…
Hоw dоes the presence оf Hg2+ аffect the trаnscription of the merT gene?
GROUP 1: THEORIES/METHODS/TRENDS in SECOND/WORLD LANGUAGE EDUCATION Chооse аnd respоnd to ONE question. Q1. Second Lаnguаge Acquisition: Describe three (3) researchers/theorists of second language acquisition and their respective SLA theory. Explain how each theory/theorist contributed to our modern understanding of language acquisition. For one of the theories you described, provide an adaption, modification, or other improvement that would benefit your future teaching. Provide a rationale for your adaptation and its classroom application. OR Q2. Foreign/World/Second Language Methods: Choose a context in which you might teach in the future (e.g., young learners in China, adult ESL in the US, middle schoolers in Eastern Europe, high school Spanish in the U.S.). Name three (3) foreign/second language methods that would be appropriately used in your chosen context. For each method, describe how to enact the method, how it is consistent (or not) with theories of second language acquisition. Describe how you might modify or adapt each method for the context and why it would be an appropriate method for your chosen context. OR Q3. Current Trends in Foreign/World/Second Language Education: In your program, you either reviewed several professional journal articles in the field of foreign/world/second language education, such as Applied Linguistics, Foreign Language Annals, and the Modern Language Journal OR your textbooks provided in-depth information regarding trends (i.e., AI, translanguaging, social media, etc.) in language education. Explain three (3) “current trends” in the field and describe the importance of each trend. In your response, evaluate these trends in terms of their merit (good or bad) and their implications for language teaching and learning. For at least one (1) trend, propose an alternative or modification to the trend and provide a rationale for this alternative or modification.