He always felt completely ___ when chatting with his closest…


He аlwаys felt cоmpletely ___ when chаtting with his clоsest friend, cоmfortable sharing anything.

A 58-yeаr-оld femаle in а severe mоtоr vehicle accident was admitted to the ICU with fractured ribs. Nurses’ Notes 1500: Lethargic but easy to arouse. Has chest pain with inspiration and difficulty breathing. Chest pain increases to 5/10 with inspiration. Patient appears to be splinting while breathing. Absent breath sounds on anterior and posterior left lower chest wall. Asymmetrical chest movement- less on the left side; Cyanosis of the lips and fingertips. Bruising on the anterior chest from the seat belt. IV started 0.9 NS at 100 ml/hr in left arm. Started on 4 liters oxygen per nasal cannula.   1530: Client has increasing shortness of breath, labored breathing, tachycardic, and dropping blood pressure. Muffled heart sounds. Client stuporous. Tracheal deviation noted. Vital Signs   Time 1500 1530 Temp 98.4 (F) 36.8 (C) 98.0 (F) 36.6 (C) P 98/ min 112/ min RR 28/min 36/min B/P 138/90 98/60 Pulse oximeter 89% 80% 4L NC Pain 5/10 10/10 Laboratory Report Lab Results Reference range ABG pH 7.25 7.35-7.45 ABG P02 50 mm Hg 75-100 mm Hg ABG PC02 80 mm Hg 35-45 mmHg ABG SaP02 84 % 95-100% ABG HC03 27 mEq/L 22-26 mEq/L   Complete the following sentence by choosing from the list of options. "The client is most likely experiencing a , as most evidenced by the . Options for First Space: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Tension Pneumothorax, Pulmonary Contusion, Options for Second Space: Laboratory Report, Respiratory Assessment, Chest Radiograph