5. (i) Drаw аn MFA diаgram that represents the data in the tables belоw [оut оf 12 pts]. Using the MFA diagram from part “i” and the table data below, (ii) calculate the doubling time for Process B [out of 4 pts]. Using your response to part “ii”, (iii) calculate the stock amount for Process C when Process B doubles [out of 4 pts]. (Notes: The tonnage unit is metric tons. Also, the processes and content of the flows are generic) [20 pts max] Table 1: Calculation for Process C Flow No. Operator Description Units Value Stock Initial value t 1.4 Rate of change t/yr 0.2 Input(s) 3 Process A Total Flow t/yr 1.1 4 Process B Total Flow kg/yr 900 Output(s) 6 Beyond study Boundary (export) Total Flow t/yr 0.3 5 Process B Total Flow t/yr 0.1 Table 2: Calculation for Process B Flow No. Operator Description Units Value Stock Initial value t 3.5 Rate of change t/yr -0.3 Input(s) 1 Beyond study boundary (import) Total Flow t/yr 2.7 5 Process C Total Flow kg/yr 100 Output(s) 2 Process A Total Flow t/yr 1 4 Process C Total Flow kg/yr 900 Table 3: Calculation for Process A Flow No. Operator Description Units Value Stock Initial value t Not considered Rate of change t/yr 0 Input(s) 2 Process B Total Flow t/yr 1 Output(s) 3 Process C Total Flow t/yr 1.1