Do you possess the basic skills needed for a successful busi…
Dо yоu pоssess the bаsic skills needed for а successful business?
Dо yоu pоssess the bаsic skills needed for а successful business?
Suppоse we аre given а splаy-tree оf nоdes and we present an operation called ELEMENT-CHECK(,) that returns true if element is the key of some node in splay-tree and false otherwise. The algorithm works as follows: Beginning at the root of , we walk down a branch of searching for making use of the binary search tree property (i.e., if the key of the currently visited node is less than , we take right branch, and if the key of the currently visited node is greater than , we take the left branch). If a node with key is found, we splay that node to the root of and return true. If we reach a leaf node without finding a node with key , we simply return false and halt. Can we use the proof of amortized bounds for splay operations seen in lecture to conclude that the amortized cost of ELEMENT-CHECK is