This composer’s works most consistently displayed the Impressionist style in music; he was delighted to be called a pupil of Claude Monet (1840-1926).
Category: Uncategorized
The __________ has horizontal lines and spaces from which mu…
The __________ has horizontal lines and spaces from which musicians read musical notation.
This work typifies the fascination Romantic composers had wi…
This work typifies the fascination Romantic composers had with supernatural and macabre or dark subjects.
To maximize (and sometimes minimize) the Romantic sound, com…
To maximize (and sometimes minimize) the Romantic sound, composers prescribed an extravagant range of __________. These extremes are typical of the Romantic period, an era that indulged in wild mood swings and excesses of many kinds.
This term describes when a performer momentarily alters the…
This term describes when a performer momentarily alters the tempo to enhance the expressive quality of the music.
Which genre is a polyphonic composition for choir or larger…
Which genre is a polyphonic composition for choir or larger chorus that sets a religious, sacred, or solemn text and is often sung a cappella?
Which two terms do musicians use interchangeably when referr…
Which two terms do musicians use interchangeably when referring to the organization of music around a central pitch?
This musical genre from the Classical period reflected many…
This musical genre from the Classical period reflected many of the social changes occurring during the time.
Tchaikovsky’s ballet, The Nutcracker, is associated with thi…
Tchaikovsky’s ballet, The Nutcracker, is associated with this holiday.
Beethoven’s music foreshadowed the musical style of the Roma…
Beethoven’s music foreshadowed the musical style of the Romantic era. All the traits listed below are characteristic of the style of both Beethoven and the Romantic period, with the exception of: