Caecilius fīliam et fīlium vēndēbat, quod multam pecūniam quaerēbat.
Category: Uncategorized
Which Latin word in the first paragraph suggests that Metell…
Which Latin word in the first paragraph suggests that Metella’s question was unexpected?
fūrēs, postquam vīllam intrāvērunt, ātrium circumspectāverun…
fūrēs, postquam vīllam intrāvērunt, ātrium circumspectāverunt.
Young slaves lived in the same house as their master’s child…
Young slaves lived in the same house as their master’s children.
Metella praised the slave-girl.
Metella praised the slave-girl.
quod coquus aberat, familia cēnam in vīllā habēbat.
quod coquus aberat, familia cēnam in vīllā habēbat.
By the 1st century AD, about how many slaves were there for…
By the 1st century AD, about how many slaves were there for every citizen?
Spectators needed to be cooled down between plays which went…
Spectators needed to be cooled down between plays which went on all day. How did the people of Pompeii solve this problem? Answer using complete sentences. This question does not auto-grade.
Slavery was considered to be a normal part of Roman life.
Slavery was considered to be a normal part of Roman life.
Plays were performed at ___ which were held several times a…
Plays were performed at ___ which were held several times a year.