In prokaryotes, which component must disassociate to allow for elongation by the RNA polymerase?
Category: Uncategorized
In the diagram below, which best corresponds to the region l…
In the diagram below, which best corresponds to the region labeled as #4?
Eukaryotes have multiple RNA polymerases, which are each spe…
Eukaryotes have multiple RNA polymerases, which are each specialized for the promoters of specific subsets of genes (e.g. mRNAs only), while prokaryotes have only one type of RNA polymerase – but use different sigma subunits to recognize promoters of specific subsets of their genes.
Which type of mutagen has a structure similar to one of the…
Which type of mutagen has a structure similar to one of the DNA nucleotides and therefore can work its way into DNA, where it pairs with a nucleotide?
Which of the following best describes the first step that oc…
Which of the following best describes the first step that occurs during the initiation of translation?
Eukaryotic genes often contain more than one _____________,…
Eukaryotic genes often contain more than one _____________, but are monocistronic. Whereas, prokaryotic genes can be polycistronic and often contain more than one _________.
Is this statement True or False? A prokaryotic gene often pr…
Is this statement True or False? A prokaryotic gene often produces multiple versions of the mature mRNA.
Is this statement True or False? All bacterial genes are sub…
Is this statement True or False? All bacterial genes are subject to regulation.
In prokaryotes, where does translation occur?
In prokaryotes, where does translation occur?
Eukaryotes have multiple RNA polymerases, which are each spe…
Eukaryotes have multiple RNA polymerases, which are each specialized for the promoters of specific subsets of genes (e.g. mRNAs only), while prokaryotes have only one type of RNA polymerase – but use different sigma subunits to recognize promoters of specific subsets of their genes.