Which of the following keys moves the insertion point to the beginning of data in a cell?
Category: Uncategorized
You can use the ____ to check which cells are referenced in…
You can use the ____ to check which cells are referenced in the formula assigned to the active cell.
The Copy button copies the contents and format of the source…
The Copy button copies the contents and format of the source area to the Office ____, a temporary storage area in the computer’s memory.
The ____ area on the status bar includes six commands as wel…
The ____ area on the status bar includes six commands as well as the result of the associated calculation on the right side of the menu.
You can click the ____ button to undo an automatic correctio…
You can click the ____ button to undo an automatic correction.
Which of the following patterns extends the fill series to 5…
Which of the following patterns extends the fill series to 525, 475, 425?
Which of the following is the path to the Zoom button?
Which of the following is the path to the Zoom button?
Excel recognizes the following as text: 401AX21, 921-231, 61…
Excel recognizes the following as text: 401AX21, 921-231, 619 321, 883XTY.
The ____ Option button lists formatting options following an…
The ____ Option button lists formatting options following an insertion of cells, rows, or columns.
What effect does the Comma Style format have on the selected…
What effect does the Comma Style format have on the selected cells?