I understand that Valencia’s Student Code of Conduct applies…

I understand that Valencia’s Student Code of Conduct applies during this test in order to foster a learning-centered environment.  I understand that all forms of Academic Dishonesty are prohibited while taking this test.  The only resources permitted are those listed by the instructor in the Instructions.  I agree not to discuss the test with anyone until after the testing time period has passed. By entering my name here, I agree to follow the Student Code of Conduct and take any consequences thereof.   Remember that you can access the periodic table, nomenclature table, and spectroscopy tables in the Show Instructions tab above.  Click on the magnifier to open within the test window.

The patient is a 48 year old, with a previous transfusion ne…

The patient is a 48 year old, with a previous transfusion nearly 12 months ago. The current ABO/Rh and AbScr are below, and the patient will be transfused today. What type of crossmatch should be performed?  Anti A Anti B Anti D A cells  B cells 4+ 0 0 0 4+ Screen Cell IS AHG Check cells  Vial I 0 1+ Vial II 0 0 acceptable

A 27 year old female presents for a well woman check complai…

A 27 year old female presents for a well woman check complaining of fatigue but no other symptoms. She has no significant past medical history. Upon auscultation of the heart, the practitioner hears a midsystolic click and late systolic murmur at the apex. What is the likely cause of the murmur and what should the practitioner do next?