Omar told the same joke over and over to various friends.  I…

Omar told the same joke over and over to various friends.  Initially, each time he told the joke, the friends laughed, serving as a reward for his telling of the joke.  But after a while, the friends stopped laughing at the joke. Omar eventually stopped telling this specific joke. This is an example of:

Fred was in a hurry one day and decided to park his car in t…

Fred was in a hurry one day and decided to park his car in the designated handicapped space while he ran into the grocery store to buy a few items. When he returned to his car he found that he had been issued a $200 parking ticket. Now, even when it’s raining, Fred never parks in the handicapped space. This example best illustrates ____________________.

Emily ate lunch at Taco Town. Moments after leaving the rest…

Emily ate lunch at Taco Town. Moments after leaving the restaurant, she became very sick for several hours, apparently, the result of food poisoning. Now, whenever she passes a Taco Town restaurant or even sees one of their TV commercials, she begins to feel distinctly nauseated. This example best illustrates ____________________.