The textbook contends that many forms of media and culture cannot accurately be described using binary terms such as liberal and conservative or high culture and low culture.
Category: Uncategorized
Until 2009, the best-selling video game of all time was Supe…
Until 2009, the best-selling video game of all time was Super Mario Bros.
Despite Amazon’s attempt to jump-start the e-book market wit…
Despite Amazon’s attempt to jump-start the e-book market with the Kindle device, it is the slowest-growing segment of the book publishing industry.
Why was Edwin S. Porter’s 1902 film The Life of an American…
Why was Edwin S. Porter’s 1902 film The Life of an American Fireman important?
Herbert Gans found that beliefs like ethnocentrism and small…
Herbert Gans found that beliefs like ethnocentrism and small-town pastoralism consistently affect American journalists’ judgment.
The Motion Picture Patents Company was established in 1908 t…
The Motion Picture Patents Company was established in 1908 to share film technology with independent filmmakers.
Thomas Edison made his first sound recordings on a cylinder…
Thomas Edison made his first sound recordings on a cylinder wrapped in tinfoil.
The textbook contends that many forms of media and culture c…
The textbook contends that many forms of media and culture cannot accurately be described using binary terms such as liberal and conservative or high culture and low culture.
In the 1990s, AOL was the top Internet service provider in t…
In the 1990s, AOL was the top Internet service provider in the United States.
Libel is a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Libel is a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.