After placing a small rock in her mouth, a 7-month-old girl…

After placing a small rock in her mouth, a 7-month-old girl begins to choke. You are on scene within minutes and find her unresponsive in her mother’s arms. You attempt to provide ventilation with the bag-valve mask, but are unsuccessful. Your next action would be to:

After placing a small rock in her mouth, a 7-month-old girl…

After placing a small rock in her mouth, a 7-month-old girl begins to choke. You are on scene within minutes and find her unresponsive in her mother’s arms. You attempt to provide ventilation with the bag-valve mask, but are unsuccessful. Your next action would be to:

An 8-year-old child was chasing his dog when he ran out into…

An 8-year-old child was chasing his dog when he ran out into the street and was struck by a car. He is responsive to verbal stimuli and has an unstable pelvis and a bruise to the side of his face. His airway is open and his breathing is rapid and shallow. His radial pulse is rapid and weak and his skin is cool, moist, and diaphoretic. He also has burns and abrasions to his back after being thrown by the car onto the hot pavement. Based on these assessment findings, the EMT would treat the patient for what condition?