32. The client delivered twins vaginally, weighing 5 lbs 6 oz and 6 lbs. 4 oz, after a prolonged labor. What is the nurse’s priority intervention?
Category: Uncategorized
UMBUZO 6 INKONDLO B ZIYOSALA IZIBONGO 1 Wayengathethi manga okaNdaba 2 Ngesikhathi ziyofa insizwa kusale izibongo 3 Kula amthafa ezwe lethukwake kwaphila izinsizwa, 4 Ezazigijima mzila munye nezinyoka ezibulalayo 5 Zibhukuda mfula munye nezingwenya ezibulalayo. 6 Zibanga amaqele namabhubesi abulalayo 7 Zidwanguza amahlathi nezingwe ezibulalayo. 8 Ekuhambeni kwami nginqamula izwe lakithi, 9 Ngibona inhlaba imile ngezinyawo ihlobile. 10 Namatshe elele,ngezisu elanda ezasendulo, 11 Notshani kukhwele ngezidindi kukhindelana ezasendulo, 12 Kuyaye kube sengathi amaehlo ami, 13 Ngibona amaqhawe akithievunule ngamabheshu, 14 Ezandleni ebambe amahawu,amaqabanga namaklwa 15 Ezinyaweni embethe ukushesha okungathi okombani, 16 Esho ingoma yempi esanukelwa yigazi, 17 Edinwe evevezela okweminyovu ngokudlokodlwa ehlweni. 18 Ngiwabona ethi shalushalu 19 Eganwe unwabu,ngifung’uNonhlanhla kababa, 20 Elwa engakhokhi moya noma seyaphela impi, 21 Elwa ngemimoya ekhathazekile ngoba ungagezwanga, 22 Futhi kungekho namunye owathi shwele. Right click on the button below TEXT E on the new page
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37. A client is postpartum 24 hours from a spontaneous vagin…
37. A client is postpartum 24 hours from a spontaneous vaginal delivery with rupture of membranes at 42 hours. Which of the following signs and symptoms should the nurse report to the client’s health care provider?