25.  Name the “extra-pyramidal” system pathway originating i…

25.  Name the “extra-pyramidal” system pathway originating in the mesencephalon that sends subconscious motor commands to control reflex responses to loud noises & bright lights? a.   vestibulo-spinal tractb.    tecto-spinal tractc.    reticulo-spinal tractd.    cortico-bulbar tracte.    cortico-thalamic tract

40. “Autonomic Tone” is an important aspect of ANS function…

40. “Autonomic Tone” is an important aspect of ANS function because it? a.   allows the ANS to be inactivated under normal conditionsb.   allows the ANS to increase activity on demand but not decrease their activityc.    allows the ANS to decrease activity on demand but not increase their activityd.    allows the ANS to both increase or decrease activity to provide range of control dual innervation options for visceral organ functione.    allows very specific ANS control that voluntarily contracts & relaxes skeletal muscles

22.  Descending motor neurons of the cortico-spinal pathway…

22.  Descending motor neurons of the cortico-spinal pathway originating in the motor        homunculus (SM), synapse with?  Hint:  “dorsal in-ventral out” a.   motor neurons in the dorsal horns of the spinal cordb.    motor neurons in the ventral horns of the spinal cordc.    visceral motor neurons of the autonomic nervous systemd.    cranial nerves going to the face & heade.    MNJ of visceral organs  

10.  Four of the five items listed below are detected by che…

10.  Four of the five items listed below are detected by chemoreceptors?  What item listed below        is NOT detected by chemoreceptors? a.   pH and CO2 levels in cerebrospinal fluidb.    blood glucose levelsc.    pH, O2 and CO2 levels in arterial bloodd.    blood pressure changes in the carotid arterye.   insulin levels secreted by the pancreas

36. Which organs below are NOT innervated by the “splanchnic…

36. Which organs below are NOT innervated by the “splanchnic nerves” (digestive) of the       sympathetic NS.? a.    stomach & spleenb.    liver & spleenc.    pancreas & gall bladderd.    gall bladder & livere.    kidneys, bladder & reproductive organs

32. Increased parasympathetic stimulation? a.   increases he…

32. Increased parasympathetic stimulation? a.   increases heart rate during stressb.    increases salivation, gastric motility, digestion & energy conservationc.    causes sweat glands to release sweat during stressd.    causes blood vessels in the skin & digestive organs to constrict to allow more blood to flow to the brain & skeletal muscle during excitemente.    causes pupils to dilate to let more light in  

15. The sensory homunculus in the sensory cortex allows us t…

15. The sensory homunculus in the sensory cortex allows us to distinguish between sensations       that originate in different areas of the body because? a.   sensory neurons carry both sensory and motor information to the sensory cortexb.    sensory neurons from each body region reach specific areas of sensory cortexc.    all incoming sensory information is first assessed by the hypothalamusd.    sensory neurons from each body region reach specific areas of motor cortex         e.    the sensory neurons in different parts of the body reach the cerebellum

2.  Destruction or damage to a motor neuron in the somatic n…

2.  Destruction or damage to a motor neuron in the somatic nervous system (SM) produces? a.   the inability to detect a stimulus such as feeling or temperatureb.    a subconscious response to a stimulationc.    paralysis of the visceral organ served by the motor unitd.    loss of voluntary control or paralysis of the skeletal muscle affectede.    numbness or pain due to stimulation of somatic sensory pathways