Case Study Patient Information: Name: Yessica Age: 3 years…


Cаse Study Pаtient Infоrmаtiоn: Name: Yessica Age: 3 years оld Gender: Female Weight: 10 kg Allergies: No known allergies Presenting Complaint: Yessica's parents bring her to the emergency room due to unwillingness to walk on right leg, and warmth and swelling in her right knee joint. History of Present Illness: Yessica has been playful until a week ago. She has become less active, choosing only to play in one area rather than running around as she had previously done. She occasionally cries when standing on her right leg and will abruptly sit down. Other times she walks, but will limp on the right side and has also been asking to be carried more often. Her parents state they think they noticed some swelling in her right knee but it was hard to tell, it, "...just seems bigger." Initially, her parents attributed it to minor injuries from playing, but the symptoms persisted despite rest and over-the-counter pain relief medications. The parents state Yessica's limp is worse in the morning, that gets better with time, "...almost like she's stiff." Her parents also noticed that Yessica has become more irritable lately. Past Medical History: No significant medical history No history of recent infections or trauma Family History: No known family history of autoimmune diseases or arthritis Social History: Lives with both parents and a younger sibling Parents are nonsmokers and have no history of substance abuse No known environmental exposures to toxins or allergens Physical Examination: General: Appears fatigued, pale complexion Musculoskeletal: Swelling, warmth, and tenderness in the right knee joint, limited range of motion due to pain (3/10), mild difficulty bearing weight on the affected leg Vital Signs: HR 100 bpm, RR 20 breaths/min, BP 100/55 mmHg, Temp 37.5°C (99.5°F) Diagnostic Tests: Laboratory: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels are elevated, leukocytosis on the CBC, and serum positive for anti-nuclear antibodies. Radiography: Plain radiographs of the right knee show soft-tissue swelling, joint space narrowing, and periarticular osteopenia suggestive of chronic inflammation. The nurse can anticipate the following: [1], [2], [3], [4]

Whаt wаs it аbоut acts оf cоmmon decency that Calhoun thought traditional moral theories could not account for?