Case Study: A 68-year-old male was seen by his local physici…
Cаse Study: A 68-yeаr-оld mаle was seen by his lоcal physician, cоmplaining of fatigue, extended infections, and easy bruising. After an initial examination, the physician noticed that the patient had enlarged lymph nodes around his neck. A complete blood count (CBC) was ordered and the results showed that the patient had a white blood cell (WBC) count of 46 x 106/mL and 90% lymphocytes. What kind of disorders does the information indicate? Immunophenotyping and a flow cytometry analysis were performed on the patient’s peripheral blood specimen, and the following findings were observed: A population of lymphocytes was found to express CD5, CD19, CD20, CD45, and only Kappa light chains. This population comprised 80% of the patient’s total lymphocytes. Using the information from Table 13–2 to help in interpreting the results, state a possible diagnosis for the patient. If you are allowed to add-on only two additional CD markers to the analysis, what markers would you recommend to confirm your diagnosis?
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