What Latin word did Metella use to describe Melissa?
Statues of actors have been discovered in Pompeii.
Statues of actors have been discovered in Pompeii.
ego multam pecūniam habeō.
ego multam pecūniam habeō.
Which Latin word in the first paragraph suggests that Metell…
Which Latin word in the first paragraph suggests that Metella’s question was unexpected?
Caecilius fīliam et fīlium vēndēbat, quod multam pecūniam qu…
Caecilius fīliam et fīlium vēndēbat, quod multam pecūniam quaerēbat.
Metella heard what Melissa said.
Metella heard what Melissa said.
The pantomime was a mixture of
The pantomime was a mixture of
quod coquus aberat, familia cēnam in vīllā habēbat.
quod coquus aberat, familia cēnam in vīllā habēbat.
Metella praised the slave-girl.
Metella praised the slave-girl.
Young slaves lived in the same house as their master’s child…
Young slaves lived in the same house as their master’s children.