You open up a few birds (necropsy) from a flock of adult chickens with increased mortality in Alabama and observe lesions indicative of septicemia. You think:
In 1925 it took an average of 112 days to rear a broiler to…
In 1925 it took an average of 112 days to rear a broiler to a market weight of 2.5 lbs. Now, it takes less than 47 days to rear a broiler to a market weight of 5.8 lbs. This remarkable improvement in live performance is due to:
Mr. B.A. Betterbreeder, the manager of a 200-boar Gene Trans…
Mr. B.A. Betterbreeder, the manager of a 200-boar Gene Transfer Center that belongs to your best client, has raised concerns about the number of young replacement (6-month old) boars that his employees are tasked with getting trained during the isolation period. Too many young boars that are not yet trained are coming over to the main GTC from the isolation facility. He believes the boars are close but not quite ready to work. Because of high customer demand for the liquid genetics produced in his facility, he really needs the boars to be willing to “jump the dummy” when they come into the main facility. He wants to know if there is a pharmaceutical solution that will help with his problem. You tell him to have the trainers inject the boars about 10 minutes prior to the training sessions with 20 mg of:
It is 4 am on 17 FEB and it is about 35 degrees and snowing…
It is 4 am on 17 FEB and it is about 35 degrees and snowing outside. Your least favorite show pig client calls because his old reliable sow (8th parity) that consistently produces show-winning progeny is in the process of farrowing and he believes she is not making adequate progress. She has delivered 6 pigs so far (she usually produces 11-13 without assistance). She has been in labor more than 4 hours and the last pig came 45 minutes ago. He is understandably upset and wants to know if you can get your lazy self out of bed and come help his sow. As you drive out to the site, you are playing out the likely scenario in your mind:
The finishing production manager for one of your swine clien…
The finishing production manager for one of your swine clients is concerned because he has recently observed an increase in the number of pigs that are pale, “bleached-out”, and that have black, tarry feces. He wants to know how he can prevent this problem in the future. Your advice is to:
For Avian influenza virus, a member of the Orthomyxoviridae,…
For Avian influenza virus, a member of the Orthomyxoviridae, indicate INCORRECT statement
Total milk production during lactation in sows is influenced…
Total milk production during lactation in sows is influenced by many factors, including those listed below. Of those, which would you expect to have the greatest influence?
Dr. Brandi New received a call this morning from the herd ma…
Dr. Brandi New received a call this morning from the herd manager of a 2400-sow farm. The farm had 40 aborted litters of mid-to-late gestation since yesterday morning. The farrowing room manager has also reported that a few litters have been farrowed “a couple of days early” with some weak and stillborn pigs. Sows in gestation are off-feed and some appear lethargic with some mild coughing noted. Which organism do you immediately place at the top of your differential diagnosis list?
What breeds of chickens were crossed to establish the modern…
What breeds of chickens were crossed to establish the modern laying hen lines that produce white table eggs?
60. According to the “Last Word: Employment after the Great…
60. According to the “Last Word: Employment after the Great Recession,” between December 2007 and December 2009, the number of jobs held by this age group increased by 4.2%