The type of contract where a court imposes an obligation on one party to prevent that party from being unjustly enriched (where there is no actual contract).
Nelson was in the market to sell his house. Baker sent him…
Nelson was in the market to sell his house. Baker sent him a written offer to buy the house. Nelson sent Baker a response stating that he would accept Baker’s offer with some changes. Baker withdrew his offer, but Nelson sued Baker saying they have a valid contract. Nelson is correct.
Beverly comes home from work one afternoon and finds that a…
Beverly comes home from work one afternoon and finds that a beautiful stone patio has been built in her backyard. Beverly did not enter into a contract for a patio. A court would likely make Beverly pay for the patio to prevent an unjust enrichment.
Who is the person who makes a promise?
Who is the person who makes a promise?
Consideration can be the actual refraining of doing an act (…
Consideration can be the actual refraining of doing an act (forbearance).
An unlicensed doctor can successfully sue a patient for the…
An unlicensed doctor can successfully sue a patient for the doctor’s fee if the patient in fact recovered because of the unlicensed doctor’s care.
Amanda buys a car from Betty and never asks if it has been i…
Amanda buys a car from Betty and never asks if it has been in an accident. About a month later Amanda tries to sell the car but the potential buyer runs a CarFax report and determines that the car has been in an accident. This substantially reduces the value of the car. Amanda can likely successfully sue Betty for breach of contract since Betty did not tell Amanda about the car being in an accident.
In MS, someone has to be 18 before he or she can enter into…
In MS, someone has to be 18 before he or she can enter into contracts regarding real property.
If you defame someone and they sue you, you will be made to…
If you defame someone and they sue you, you will be made to pay them damages even if what you said was true.
Physiology is ___________________.
Physiology is ___________________.