Large areas of metamorphic rocks exposed at the surface of t…

Large areas of metamorphic rocks exposed at the surface of the earth represent the “fossil footprints” (or “exposed roots”) of mountain belts. In such places, the metamorphic and igneous rocks provide a strong foundation on which to build, for example, tall buildings. A good example of this occurs in parts of the U.S. that now shows minimal relief and only low mountains, namely

It’s not unusual to find one or more highly deformed rocks (…

It’s not unusual to find one or more highly deformed rocks (‘fault rocks’) along fault zones such as the Alpine Fault Zone.  The clay-rich, putty-like material (see photo) found along faults that have formed near the surface of the Earth (including the Alpine Fault Zone), is

It’s not unusual to find one or more highly deformed rocks (…

It’s not unusual to find one or more highly deformed rocks (‘fault rocks’) along fault zones such as the Alpine Fault Zone.  The clay-rich, putty-like material (see photo) found along faults that have formed near the surface of the Earth (including the Alpine Fault Zone), is