Original Text: Regardless of the technological advance, man…

Original Text: Regardless of the technological advance, man remains dependent upon nature. The necessity of signifying and recognizing this relationship remains, though it may not seem so. The hunter is our agent of awareness. He is not only an observer but a participant and receiver. He knows that man is a member of a natural community. Example of use in an essay: Man is dependent upon nature, regardless of technological advance. Though it doesn’t seem like it, the necessity of signifying and recognizing this relationship still remains. Man doesn’t just observe; he participates and receives (Shepard 5).

Original Text: Regardless of the technological advance, man…

Original Text: Regardless of the technological advance, man remains dependent upon nature. The necessity of signifying and recognizing this relationship remains, though it may not seem so. The hunter is our agent of awareness. He is not only an observer but a participant and receiver. He knows that man is a member of a natural community. Example of use in an essay: Man is dependent upon nature, regardless of technological advance. Though it doesn’t seem like it, the necessity of signifying and recognizing this relationship still remains. Man doesn’t just observe; he participates and receives (Shepard 5).