Abe constantly reads library books because his parents give…

Abe constantly reads library books because his parents give him money for doing so. Zeke constantly reads library books simply because he loves to read. We can conclude that Abe’s motivation to read is _______________, whereas Zeke’s motivation to read is _______________.

Diners at a restaurant overhear a woman seated at nearby tab…

Diners at a restaurant overhear a woman seated at nearby table vent her frustration about how long it is taking her food to arrive. As her anger builds, the women stands up and yells, “I don’t care if others did order before me. Bring my food NOW you incompetent morons!” After observing the woman’s behavior, and without considering a variety of potential causes for her actions, the shocked diners quickly conclude she is a hot-tempered, egocentric person. In this example, the attribution made by the diners observing her behavior illustrates:

Abe constantly reads library books because his parents give…

Abe constantly reads library books because his parents give him money for doing so. Zeke constantly reads library books simply because he loves to read. We can conclude that Abe’s motivation to read is _______________, whereas Zeke’s motivation to read is _______________.

A five-year-old child has been throwing wild tantrums lately…

A five-year-old child has been throwing wild tantrums lately. Whenever the child gets upset, one or both of his parents immediately come to the child and fuss over him with lots of attention. Nevertheless, his tantrums do not diminish. In fact, the tantrums have increased in frequency. In this case, the parents yelling likely serves as a form of _______________ for the son and causing the tantrums to continue.

Slot machines often produce a powerful, compulsive response…

Slot machines often produce a powerful, compulsive response pattern in users.  On the average of a certain number of plays, the user receives a monetary reinforcer, causing an addictive anticipation of reward.   Therefore, slot machines reinforce gambling using the ____________________ schedule of reinforcement.