Wheels, a small bike sales and repair shop, has ten employee…

Wheels, a small bike sales and repair shop, has ten employees, five full-time and five part-time. Walt Morgan, the owner, can’t afford to provide many employee benefits, but he does provide all employees with three full-pay sick days a year. He funds the sick pay out of his general assets. He also provides his full-time employees with basic health insurance that has a high deductible to keep costs down. Walt pays an annual premium for this insurance out of his general assets. Under ERISA,

Tandy is a self-employed owner of Candle Creations. She has…

Tandy is a self-employed owner of Candle Creations. She has a Keogh plan that provides incidental insurance through a cash value life insurance contract. This year, her premium is $1,400, of which $800 is for pure life insurance protection and the rest is used to increase the cash value. Tandy