For the next 5 questions, match the function to the cell type.
Which neuron is responsible for initiation of motor programs…
Which neuron is responsible for initiation of motor programs?
Characteristics of Diphyllobothriidean cestodes include:
Characteristics of Diphyllobothriidean cestodes include:
An area of your skin that is innervated by nerves from a 2-3…
An area of your skin that is innervated by nerves from a 2-3 spinal segments is called a dermatome.
Which one of the following cestodes uses canids as a definit…
Which one of the following cestodes uses canids as a definitive host, sheep as an intermediate host, and the coenurus (often found in the sheep’s brain) as the metacestode? It is not endemic in the United States.
Most cestodes are non-pathogenic as adult stages in the defi…
Most cestodes are non-pathogenic as adult stages in the definitive host. However, there are some exceptions. Which one of the following cestodes is most often associated with pathology and clinical signs as adult stages in the definitive host?
A dog can become infected with Paragonimus kellicotti when i…
A dog can become infected with Paragonimus kellicotti when it ingests an animal that has eaten crayfish infected with P. kellicotti metacercariae.
A dog can become infected with Paragonimus kellicotti when i…
A dog can become infected with Paragonimus kellicotti when it ingests an animal that has eaten crayfish infected with P. kellicotti metacercariae.
Compare the structure and function of a mitochondrion and a…
Compare the structure and function of a mitochondrion and a chloroplast.
Which of the following is defined as any evidence of past li…
Which of the following is defined as any evidence of past life?