Generally, the addition of acid will increase emulsion stability, especially when it is made of proteins.
Which of the following will be changed during the interester…
Which of the following will be changed during the interesterification?
What is the function of lipids in foods?
What is the function of lipids in foods?
Which of the following statement about the melting point is…
Which of the following statement about the melting point is CORRECT?
Which of the following is NOT a certifiable food color addit…
Which of the following is NOT a certifiable food color additives according to FDA?
Both gliadin and glutenin are hydrophobic. Gliadin contribut…
Both gliadin and glutenin are hydrophobic. Gliadin contributes to the viscosity, while glutenin contributes to the elasticity.
Which of the following statement about the melting point is…
Which of the following statement about the melting point is CORRECT?
When a liquid is whipped to form a foam, the liquid volume i…
When a liquid is whipped to form a foam, the liquid volume increases due to the incorporation of air.
According to the food labeling law, foods can be labeled glu…
According to the food labeling law, foods can be labeled gluten-free when the gluten content is less than 20 ppm.
The smoke point decreases as oil is repeatedly used for fryi…
The smoke point decreases as oil is repeatedly used for frying, and the quality is reduced.