How do mechanical knees control knee extension?
How do mechanical knees control knee extension?
How do mechanical knees control knee extension?
The physical therapist assistant is assigned to rewrap the r…
The physical therapist assistant is assigned to rewrap the residual limb of a patient who underwent a right transtibial amputation 2 days ago. When the PTA unwraps the residual limb, there is noted swelling in the distal portion of the residual limb. What is the MOST likely cause?
The patient is being seen in the hospital after a surgical a…
The patient is being seen in the hospital after a surgical amputation above the knee. The chart states the patient was fitted with a rigid post-operative dressing. Which of the activities or exercises below is appropriate for this patient during the first treatment:
The physical therapist assistant is providing education to a…
The physical therapist assistant is providing education to a patient the day after a transtibial amputation. Which information is MOST necessary to cover:
The patient presents with right drop foot after experiencing…
The patient presents with right drop foot after experiencing a stroke. In the patient’s past medical history, it is noted the patient experiences occasional swelling in their lower extremities. WHich type of AFO would be most appropriate for this patient?
The patient presents with right drop foot after experiencing…
The patient presents with right drop foot after experiencing a stroke. In the patient’s past medical history, it is noted the patient experiences occasional swelling in their lower extremities. WHich type of AFO would be most appropriate for this patient?
A physical therapist assistant is examining the gait of a pa…
A physical therapist assistant is examining the gait of a patient with a transtibial prosthesis on the right. The assistant notices the prosthesis is sent in excessive anterior tilt. Which of the following gait deviations is MOST likely to occur with this type of malalignment?
A patient with recent right transtibial amputation is being…
A patient with recent right transtibial amputation is being seen by the physical therapist assistant. Based on the data below, what should the PRIMARY focus be on the visit: Hip: -10 degrees extension to 90 degrees flexion with MMT 3/5 in available range Knee: -30 degrees extension to 100 degrees flexion with MMT 3+/5 in available range Max assistance for all transfers Unable to stand to attempt hopping-style gait
A physical therapist assistant is working with a child who a…
A physical therapist assistant is working with a child who as persistence of the symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR). What should the physical therapist assistant do to facilitate the child’s ability to maintain the quadruped position?