Consider the method below, which prints the digits of an arb…

Consider the method below, which prints the digits of an arbitrary positive integer in reverse order, one digit per line.  The method should print the last digit first. Then, it should recursively print the integer obtained by removing the last digit. Select the statements that should be used to complete the method. public static void printReverse(int value) { if (value > 0) { _____________________ // print last digit _____________________ // recursive call to print value without last digit } }

Assume that bands is an ArrayList of String objects, which c…

Assume that bands is an ArrayList of String objects, which contains a number of elements in ascending order. Select a statement to complete the code segment below, which invokes the Java library binarySearch method to search for the string “Beatles”.  If the list does not already contain the string, it should be inserted in an appropriate location so that the list remains sorted. int index = Collections.binarySearch(bands, “Beatles”); if (index < 0) { __________________________ }