Which prose style is associated with journalism, science, and popular literacy?
Who added a Golden Age to the pastoral?
Who added a Golden Age to the pastoral?
Pilgrim’s Progress is which of the following types of litera…
Pilgrim’s Progress is which of the following types of literature in addition to allegorized spiritual autobiography?
Which prose style is associated with journalism, science, an…
Which prose style is associated with journalism, science, and popular literacy?
Which poet writes poetry praising or at least picturing posi…
Which poet writes poetry praising or at least picturing positively “cleanly wantonness” and “harmless folly”?
I can love both fair and brown; Her whom abundance melts, an…
I can love both fair and brown; Her whom abundance melts, and her whom want betrays; Her who loves loneness best, and her who masks and plays; Her whom the country form’d, and whom the town; Her who believes, and her who tries; Her who still weeps with spongy eyes, And her who is dry cork, and never cries. I can love her, and her, and you, and you; I can love any, so she be not true.
A play relating a saint’s life is a
A play relating a saint’s life is a
Which hunt is associated with Sir Gawain’s deception of his…
Which hunt is associated with Sir Gawain’s deception of his host?
A good man was ther of religioun, And was a poure Person of…
A good man was ther of religioun, And was a poure Person of a town,But riche he was of holy thought and werk. He was also a lerned man, a clerk That Cristes gospel trewly wolde preche; His parischens devoutly wolde he teche. Benigne he was, and wonder diligent, And in adversitee ful pacient; And such he was preved ofte sithes.Ful loth were him to curse for his tithes, But rather wolde he geven out of doute, Unto his poure parisshens aboute, Of his offringe, and eek of his substaunce.
A good man was ther of religioun, And was a poure Person of…
A good man was ther of religioun, And was a poure Person of a town,But riche he was of holy thought and werk. He was also a lerned man, a clerk That Cristes gospel trewly wolde preche; His parischens devoutly wolde he teche. Benigne he was, and wonder diligent, And in adversitee ful pacient; And such he was preved ofte sithes.Ful loth were him to curse for his tithes, But rather wolde he geven out of doute, Unto his poure parisshens aboute, Of his offringe, and eek of his substaunce.